Following our AGM we are excited to announce the winners of the 2018 DMTC Membership Awards!
Mary Hamilton Award
This year’s recipient has been a member of the company for many years and has tirelessly taken part in everything we have thrown at her. She has sung and danced her way through countless productions, despite sometimes not being in the best of health. She has not let that deter her and is always ready to take on the next challenge.
We are delighted that the 2018 Mary Hamilton Award goes to Alison Elrick.

Mary Robinson Award
Mary Robinson’s award was set up as a way of honouring a long serving member of DMTC. Mary herself is an example to us all of someone who has given selflessly to the needs of DMTC for over 60 years. She is still working on our behalf and we all owe her a huge debt of gratitude for all she continues to do for us.
The winner this year has never been on stage. She has never received the adulation or applause that performers receive, but she has always been there at every production to help the cast, usually in the bowels of the theatre, making sure we are all properly hydrated.
We are delighted to present the 2018 Mary Robinson Award to Joan Foxall.

Pauline Gilman Award
This year we have a new award to present. Pauline Gilman joined the company under our former guise of Durham Amateur Operatic Society. She performed mainly in the chorus but did undertake a few small parts. Her children also became keen junior members of the society. When Pauline passed away last year, her husband James wanted to recognise Pauline’s love of music and especially her time with us. The Pauline Gilman Bowl has been set up to honour a devoted member of the chorus.
Discussion for the initial award recipient was very short. We all agreed that one member stood, literally, head and shoulders above everyone else. He has been a stalwart member of the company for many, many years. He also encouraged his two sons to join the company and they later became professional actors. He himself is always ready to immerse himself into whatever we are doing.
We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2018 Pauline Gilman Bowl is John Cuckson.